Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Love this Tuesday!

You've got one week until Valentine's Day to make any last minute crafts! Here are some fun ideas.....

Holy gorgeous pillow! Shannon Sews made this fleece shag heart pillow

This one is a Two-fer :) You get a printable and a project. Dandee made this adorable card that you stitch and gives us a printable that makes it sooooo easy! 

I am such a fan of this wreath from Choose to Thrive. Not only is it gorgeous, it's made from cardboard, muslin, old t-shirts and burlap! 
Annilygreen is a genius and so is this leather heart door hanger. Head over to her blog for a great tutorial! 
Y'all know I'm a sucker for a simple, inexpensive, cute project! Here is one that I love from Old Town Home

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