Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday's Pins...

It's time for this week's Pins! 

P.S. If anyone can come up with a better name than "Friday's Pin's" there might be a prize for you :) 

It almost makes me want to do dishes....almost :)
How many family members could I buy this for? I stopped counting...And if my hubby wasn't a Seminole this would be in my house right now :)
Make a wreath form for under 97 cents! 
I love this mantle! And it's made with things from the dollar tree which is my favorite right now for Halloween decor. I didn't see those candelabras when I went today but now I'm going to have to go back! 
Yes please!

If you would like to become friends on pinterest, follow me HERE

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  1. You should have :Friday's Fabulous Finds

  2. Scratch that first should call it "Pintastic Friday"
