Monday, November 21, 2011

What I would like for my birthday.....a guest post from you!

Happy Monday! I just wanted to check in and let everyone know that there are only 2 more days to buy me a birthday present!! :) Just kidding of course. My birthday is Thursday... yep Thanksgiving is sharing with me this year :) 

So for my birthday present what I really want are some awesome guest posts for next week! I have some MAJOR things going on in my life at the moment which I need to focus on next week. Don't you hate it when people say that and then don't explain? I DO TOO!! But unfortunately I really can't. 

If you still love me after all that and would like to give me a fabulous birthday gift with a guest post, please email me! auntielolocrafts AT gmail DOT com. 

Oooooooh, I almost forgot. The Shabby Apple Giveaway ends in 5 hours!! Hurry and enter HERE if you haven't already!
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1 comment:

  1. Oh a Thanksgiving Turkey baby! Happy birthday. My oldest is one also. Her birthday is today and she is now offically a teenager.

    No, I won't hate you for not posting. If I blogged, I would do a guest post. Hats off for not sharing everything going on in your life. Just want you to know that I continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers - I am particullary reminded when there is no post (and how strange is that!?)
