Monday, February 27, 2012

February Photo A Day Week 3

Before I get to my instagram photos....

Have you entered the One Pink Poppy giveaway?! You get a choice between these 2 hand cut works of art! 

Now onto my photos from the Fat Mum Slim Photo a Day Challenge Week 3....

Here is my hubby on a conference call for work. 

Finally used my Crocs gift card from Christmas. I am obsessed with Crocs. Just not the original kind, those are super ugly to me. 

Running late to a Valentine's Party 

Sadly the doctor gave me migraine meds that make diet coke taste funny! Diet Pepsi does not taste nearly as bad. 

Driving on our dirt road after it's rained for 3 days (or even 1 day for that matter)

Having your own business and doing your taxes gets complicated!

This was taken on the 4th of July up at BYU-Idaho a few months into dating in 2001. We had just gone swimming in a lake. Still my favorite photo ever of us. 

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