When the latest Ballard Catalog came in the mail, I immediately wanted this burlap bulletin board.
Of course my mind started thinking of ways I could make it cheaper. Also, I needed one that was smaller for a perfect spot above my craft desk.
I had just been to Sam's Club and picked up some diet coke (my fav) and they came in this cardboard container. I cut the edges off so that it was flat.
Then, I cut some burlap so that about an inch or so hung over the board. I hot glued 2 sides so that the burlap was tight around the cardboard. Then I glued down the rest.
This is what it looked like after it was all glued down.
I happened to have some furniture tacks handy and so I stuck them in about an inch apart. Because I put the tacks into cardboard, they stick out a little bit. No worries.
I just took some pliers and bent down the sharp parts.
Here it is all done!
It works perfectly to hold little pieces of paper or inspiration for a new project!
I am linking this project to THESE parties.